id, lang, leftmargin, marginheight, marginwidth, media, name, nowrap, onblur, span, strike, strong, style, sub, sup, table, tbody, td, textarea, tfoot, th, thead, tr, 


Sets whether the contents of the element are changeable. If the state is read-only, the user cannot modify the contents of the element, but the element continues to get focus and be selectable.

, Definierar attributes för tabellkolumner. <​div class='clear'>

The textarea element is contained by a label 2010-04-20 · textarea: Event Attributes ( onmouseup onmouseout onkeypress onkeydown onmousedown onmousemove onmouseover onclick onkeyup ondblclick) Core Attributes ( xml:space title class id) XML Attributes ( xmlns:xsi xml:lang xmlns) Style Attributes ( style) Other: cols disabled onchange rows readonly onselect onfocus accesskey onblur name inputmode 2020-02-26 · HTML readonly attribute supports input and textarea elements. Syntax .. Where ElementName is any supported element. Type of value. Predefined.

2019-05-30 · The HTML

If you don't set the tabindex property, this link will be included as a stop in the tab order.